Billings Gazette, Missoulian, and Montana Standard Endorse Steve Bullock for U.S. Senate

October 25, 2020

Helena, Mont — This morning, the Billings GazetteMissoulian and Montana Standard endorsed Governor Bullock for the U.S. Senate, calling him “a warrior and a coalition-builder” who has “led consistently with a steady hand.” 

Their editorials note Bullock’s impressive record of bipartisanship, including managing “to work with a coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans to fund critical infrastructure needs, and to continue Medicaid expansion.” 

In a direct contrast to Bullock, the editorial boards slammed Senator Steve Daines for being in “lockstep” behind President Donald Trump and for his “verbal gymnastics attempting to rationalize his hypocritical support of rushing Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court as the election itself is going on” — calling it “gobbledygook — a tap-dance around hypocrisy.” 

They conclude that “Bullock is the better choice because he has shown himself to be a capable negotiator who brings together disparate interests before forging ahead.” 

Put simply: Governor Steve Bullock will be a strong, independent voice that Montanans deserve in the Senate. In contrast, Senator Daines only looks out for himself and his corporate backers — not Montanans.

Billings Gazette: Gazette endorsement: For US Senate, Steve Bullock
“That combination of gumption and diplomacy would serve him and Montana well in the Senate.” 

“Recognizing and appreciating Steve Daines’ strengths, but disappointed with some of his weaknesses, we endorse Steve Bullock for the United States Senate.” 

Missoulian: Montanans should send Governor Bullock to the Senate

“One significant difference, however, is that Bullock has led consistently with a steady hand, occasionally even notching landmark national wins for Montana. He has been a forceful advocate for his priorities, yet he has avoided major controversies and acted as a damper when tensions flamed — regardless of whether the fires were set by Republicans or Democrats.” 

Neither should we excuse his twisted explanation for moving forward with a U.S. Supreme Court confirmation shortly before an election, a complete reversal from the position he took when President Obama nominated a justice in 2016. “I don’t think it’s right to bring a nominee forward in an election year,” Daines said then.

“Bullock is the better choice because he has shown himself to be a capable negotiator who brings together disparate interests before forging ahead, and without allowing the folks on the far sides to hijack the discussion.” 

Montana Standard: Standard endorsement: For Senate, we recommend Steve Bullock

“He has taken bold steps when boldness was called for — bucking Atlantic Richfield and the EPA to fund the removal of harmful tailings in Butte comes to mind — and he has kept his powder dry when restraint was called for. Indeed, Bullock has been both a warrior and a coalition-builder, an unusual resume feature in these times.’ 

“Much more consequential are Daines’ verbal gymnastics attempting to rationalize his hypocritical support of rushing Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court as the election itself is going on. In 2016, when, nine months before the election, President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, Daines supported Mitch McConnell’s decision not to allow a vote on the nomination.” 

Statement From Governor Bullock On Washington’s Failure To Pass COVID-19 Relief

September 10, 2020

Contact: [email protected]

Helena, Mont. –– Governor Bullock offered the following statement after the Senate rejected a COVID-19 relief bill:

“It is unbelievable for Washington to give up on providing real help to the American people during this unprecedented time for our country.”

“Congress needs to put the party politics aside and actually get something done for Montana workers, families, small businesses, and schools.”

“Amid the worst health and economic crisis we’ve seen in a century, Washington remains broken — paralyzed by politics-as-usual and politicians out for themselves and desperate to hold onto their power. It’s time for a change.”

Governor Bullock Announces Support for Badger-Two Medicine Protection Act, Calls on Daines to Co-Sponsor Bill

July 23, 2020

Helena, Mont. – Today, Governor Steve Bullock announced his support for permanent protections for the Badger-Two Medicine through the Badger-Two Medicine Protection Act that Senator Jon Tester introduced earlier this week:

“The Badger-Two Medicine is sacred land for the Blackfeet nation, and we shouldn’t tolerate any further attempts by corporate out-of-state interests to exploit this special place. Our leaders in Washington should act on the Badger-Two Medicine Protection Act as soon as possible. That’s why I’m calling on Senator Steve Daines to join Senator Jon Tester in backing this legislation to permanently protect the Badger-Two Medicine, give the Blackfeet people a voice in managing this culturally important area, and ensure this unique landscape is around for future generations to enjoy.”

Senator Daines Pushes False Claims on Bullock’s Healthcare Position in New Ad

Daines also claims to protect Medicare but his actions in Washington, D.C. show otherwise

Helena, Mont. –– Senator Steve Daines continued his pattern of misleading Montana voters in a new television ad from his campaign today. The ad repeats debunked claims about Governor Steve Bullock’s position on healthcare and cites an unreliable study supported by a front group for insurance industry and pharmaceutical lobbyists.

On Monday, MTN News noted that Governor Bullock does not support “government controlled healthcare,” but Daines continues to make that false claim in this new ad. The ad cites a biased study supported by the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future, “a consortium of pharmaceutical, hospital and health insurance lobbyists,” that MTN News cast doubt on in the same story.

Daines also claims to “protect Medicare” in the ad, but he voted to raise the eligibility age for Medicare beneficiaries and turn Medicare into a voucher system. Daines has also repeatedly voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which experts said would likely lead to higher deductibles for Medicare beneficiaries and could lead to increased prescription drug costs for seniors. Daines has also voted with big pharmaceutical interests against allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices.

The new ad is just another desperate attempt to cover up Daines’ abysmal record on healthcare. Even in the middle of a global pandemic, Daines supports a lawsuit that would gut protections for over 152,000 Montanans with pre-existing conditions. The Washington Post fact-checker gave Daines “four pinocchios” –– a rating they only give out for the most misleading claims –– for saying that he will protect Montanans with pre-existing conditions. It’s no surprise that Daines has repeatedly voted to dismantle important health protections for Montanans, like Medicare — he has taken over $2 million dollars from corporate special interests, including over $300,000 from the insurance industry.

“Trying to scare Montana voters with misleading claims about healthcare during a pandemic is a new low, even for Senator Daines,” said Sean Manning, spokesperson for Montanans for Bullock. “The truth is that Governor Bullock has spent his career fighting for affordable, quality healthcare for all Montanans, while Daines has repeatedly voted to gut patient protections and take away affordable health coverage from over one hundred thousand Montanans. But Daines’ track record of favoring health insurance executives over everyday Montanans shouldn’t come as a surprise, since they’ve bankrolled his campaigns.”

Montanans for Bullock Release New Ads Featuring Big Sky Nurses Applauding Governor Bullock’s Leadership in Expanding Medicaid

“Without Governor Bullock, there are thousands of families who would never be able to afford healthcare coverage”

Helena, Mont. –– Today, Montanans for Bullock released two new ads featuring nurses across Big Sky Country commending Governor Steve Bullock for his leadership in bringing Democrats and Republicans together to expand Medicaid – calling the accomplishment “huge” and “monumental.” In 2015, Governor Bullock passed Medicaid expansion to expand healthcare coverage to over 90,000 Montanans. Since its initial passage and reauthorization in 2019, Medicaid expansion has created thousands of jobs  and served as a crucial lifeline to keep rural hospitals afloat. Not a single rural hospital has closed since Governor Bullock helped expand Medicaid.

While Governor Bullock has been working across the aisle to expand Montanans’ access to quality, affordable healthcare, Washington politicians like Mitch McConnell and Steve Daines have been working to strip it away – even in the middle of a pandemic. As Montana’s next Senator, Governor Bullock will continue his career-long fight for affordable healthcare for all Montanans.

Cares” and “Choteau” will begin to run on Thursday, July 9th.

Watch the ad:

I became a nurse because I care about people
One of the monumental things that Governor Bullock did was the expansion of Medicaid
He was able to get Democrats and Republicans together to save our hospital and rural hospitals all across Montana
And that was leadership
Without Governor Bullock, there are thousands of families who would never be able to afford healthcare coverage
I want somebody that is willing to make hard decisions in the best interest of my family
We need more leadership like that in Washington

If we were to lose our hospital, our town would be devastated
A few years ago, it looked like that might happen
Governor Bullock came to Choteau and visited with the staff
He was able to get Democrats and Republicans together to save our hospital and rural hospitals all across Montana
It’s huge
Being able to go to the hospital actually saves lives
He just cares about Montanans
We need more leadership like that in Washington

Washington Group Tied To Mitch McConnell Launches Rescue Mission for Senator Steve Daines

New ad deceives Montanans on Governor Bullock’s lifelong fight for affordable healthcare for all Montanans.

Helena, Mont. –– After Governor Bullock broke fundraising records yesterday in the race for Montana’s Senate seat, a Washington group tied to Mitch McConnell launched a deceptive ad to boost Senator Steve Daines’ campaign and mislead Montanans on Governor Bullock’s stance on healthcare.

The desperate ad tries to cover up Governor Bullock’s strong record of delivering accessible, affordable healthcare to over 90,000 Montanans, helping prevent Montana’s rural hospitals from shuttering, and lowering healthcare premiums across the state. The ad lies about Governor Bullock supporting a single-payer healthcare system in the Senate, when in fact, Bullock took on Washington Democrats to oppose Medicare for All. 

Steve Daines, on the other hand, has voted to rip away healthcare from the very people he serves more than a dozen times. Daines has voted 13 times to repeal, defund, or block the Affordable Care Act, putting in jeopardy protections for people with pre-existing conditions and Medicaid Expansion, which has been a lifeline for Montana’s rural hospitals and communities. 

Even in the middle of a global pandemic, Daines currently supports a lawsuit that would strip protections from over 152,000 Montanans with pre-existing conditions. It’s no surprise that Daines has repeatedly voted to dismantle important health protections for Montanans — he has taken over $2 million dollars from corporate special interests, including over $300,000 from the insurance industry.

“The choice in this race is clear. While Steve Daines was voting to dismantle protections for people with pre-existing conditions and take away Montanans’ healthcare to boost his insurance industry backers, Governor Bullock was working across the aisle to expand access to care,” said Sean Manning, spokesperson for Montanans for Bullock. “Groups in Washington can try to distort the picture, but Montanans know that Governor Bullock will fight for quality, affordable healthcare for their families in the Senate, not take marching orders from special interests to rip it away during a public health crisis.”